Online Scholarship Program
Ailisha Shannon
“This scholarship was developed with the express purpose of making creative education, community and creative spaces accessible to those with chronic illness. As someone who experiences chronic illness first-hand, it is my pleasure to present this scholarship program to my community.”
How it works
Anyone with a chronic illness is welcome to apply to this online scholarship program. This scholarship makes one place available in each online course taught independently by Ailisha Shannon. Go to Classes & Workshops for more information about the courses and how we teach. Once a student has signed up to the scholarship list they will be added to the next draw and, if not awarded, they will be added to all those following.
The scholarship is full, excluding personal drawing materials needed for class. Many students already have these in the home, if they do not the complete materials list will come to an average of about 25 euro.
Please note, we work on the basis of trust, if you are able to financially access these classes with complete ease, then please consider either signing up for one of the classes or supporting the program below.
Why this scholarship?
This scholarship was developed because we believe that everyone has the right to thrive (creatively) instead of simply surviving.
Those with chronic illness often have less energy or resources at their disposal after taking care of their health, financial responsibilities and daily tasks. Though there are many different ways to experience chronic illness, for many, this means ‘maintaining’ instead of thriving creatively.
Everyone needs space for education, exploration, community, creativity, personal development, relaxation and joy in their life. This scholarship makes online arts education accessible to those who may otherwise struggle to access it. Scroll down if you would like to support the scholarship.
Support the Scholarship.
If you believe that creative education, community and creative spaces should be made accessible to all, then please consider supporting the scholarship with a donation, however big or small.
For each 180 euro’s that is raised, an extra scholarship place will be made available to a student from the scholarship list. Your contribution makes a direct difference.